Make more money by
Your 3D printer

A 3D printer is switched off 95% of the time. Is yours?

Become a freelabster

How Freelabster
Make money with your printer ?

Freelabster acts as a 3rd party trust party protecting both the Freelabster and the client

Select the projects that interest you

From decoration, high quality industrial prints to draughts or checkers for board games Select only those projects which interest you

Print Project

You are in direct contact with the client and we will help you every step of the way

Make then Make Money

As soon as the client validates the project we immediately credit your account. Payments are sent by Paypal.


    I 3D print on a regular basis for Freelabster and it is always a pleasure to share information with both the community and clients. Its really great to be able to make money from something you are passionate about.

  • Lab89

    In just 6 months I have made my printer profitable. Before signing up for Freelabster my 3D printer was switched off more often than it printed. Today, I cover all material costs for my own personal printing.

  • Dual Print

    It's always a real pleasure to be part of the adventure. The team is attentive to feedback and it is constantly improving our user experience on the platform. I print only when I want to so I suppose you could say that it's more a promise to myself than a contract between me and Freelabster.

Join our Freelabsters and earn money with your 3D printer

Become a freelabster

Your Dashboard For your 3D printing activities

This is your control panel, you will find all your projects and have access to numerous services in your #business workspace

  • Fast access to all client projects

    Find immediately your orders, talk with clients and manage your prints efficiently from your dashboard

  • Find opportunities, bid and discuss directly with your client.

    Increase your chances of winning a job thanks to good client relationships

Become a freelabster

Be part of the team Work with us on large company accounts

You will have the opportunity to work for large companies such as Boulanger, EDF, Renault or numerous other companies looking for permanent 3D modelling and printing services.

Our Freelabsters reply to requests from :

  • Boulanger
  • EDF
  • Renault
  • Accor Group

Join Us ! We are a passionate community

You can share too your experiences within the community. There are numerous advantages open to you such as preferential tarifs from our partners - these are valid uniquely for our certified Freelabsters

Wanting to be a Freelabster?

Subscribe now

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